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Welcome to:
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
116 Hughes Street, Swoyersville, Pa. 18704
Fax 570-287-4704

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Please scroll to the bottom of the page to see some of our upcoming activities.

Our Live streamed Eucharist will be available to watch on Face Book every Saturday at 4:00pm by clicking the link below. 
If we are unable to post the Mass at 4:00pm it will be on at a later time or date.
You can also visit our past Eucharist Masses by going to our archives page.

Our 4:00pm Weekend Eucharist


Until we resolve our internet problems our 4:00pm weekend Eucharist will be posted here at a later time.  Please keep on checking back at a later time.

We apologize for any inconvenience.  Thank you.

For SEAS Updates click HERE & for our Offertory Commitment


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
Saturday 4:00pm.
Sunday 8:30, 11am and 5:30pm

Mass times Weekdays:
Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday 8:00am
There is NO Mass on Wednesdays

The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will now be held on
Tuesday evenings instead of Thursdays.  Adoration times have also changed:
5pm to 7pm.

On Sunday, September 1st,

Fr John blessed the students and their backpacks for the new school year. Each student received a special tag to attach to their backpack.

Thank you, Fr John!

Click to see pictures of the blessing on face book.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Blue Skies
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